Web 3.0: The New Language of the Semantic Web

I love venturing into new and unknown places.  Travel has always been an extremely important part of my life.  The excitement of learning a new culture and language thrills me and has trained me to remain adaptable and open.  In many ways, SEO can seem like a foreign language to me. I’m sure I’m not alone in this as most people  have difficulty defining SEO, and when they do it tends to be precluded with the obvious caveat, “It’s a changing game.”  I would compare it to trying to learn a new language, but a language with words that transform every 6 to 9 months.  It’s not for those who are scared of change, but for those who appreciate the unknown.   I am fairly new to the SEO game, and one of the first lessons I learned in SEO could be phrased as, ”Learn the language, but don’t get comfortable with it because it has already changed.” It has never been easier for people to create data.  Each blog post, every Facebook update, every single Tweet, it’s all new data.  So how do we harness this new and exploding world of information

Continued here:
Web 3.0: The New Language of the Semantic Web

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